
A new baccalaureus graduate study opened in Dubrovnik: A History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean!

Starting this year, Dubrovnik boasts a new baccalaureate graduate study called History of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. The first mandatory course on the new study is Modern historiography: theories and methods held by Ph. Dr. Stjepan Cosic.

“Since the period of Collegium Ragusinum, history was not considered at a higher level in Dubrovnik, so we finally have a basic humanistic study and special orientation – the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. As Dubrovnik is a pillar of Mediterranean history, we can say that Dubrovnik has a historic right to study history, “said Cosic who has 29 students. Among those 29 students is Dora Bradas who moved from Zagreb to Dubrovnik.

“Although I moved recently, I’m already very pleased with life in Dubrovnik, “said Bradas which is one of the first fans of the study of the Adriatic. Good luck to all of them!