
Cruise Ship Tourism Opportunity For Growth In Dubrovnik

The Croatian ports of Dubrovnik, Split, Sibenik, Zadar and Rijeka, featured in the “Croatian Cruise Ports” presentation at the recent Seatrade Cruise Shipping Convention in Miami.

Croatian ports participated in the celebration of the fair’s 30th anniversary, which was first held in 1985. This year the convention gathered cruise industry exhibitors from all over the world for the three day fair. During meetings with representatives of leading cruise companies, the strategic development of Dubrovnik as a cruise destination and the tourism offer of Dubrovnik were discussed.

Cruise tourism in Dubrovnik can certainly offer not only an extension of the season, but year-round visits by a significant number of passengers from cruise ships. Representatives of the Port of Dubrovnik attended presentations on many interesting projects in order to share experiences. Their goal was to gather as much information as possible about the coordination of procedures and standards from ports that have experience in hosting cruise ships.

Similarly to previous years, the convention  hosted around 1,000 exhibitors from 127 countries and over 20,000 visitors from around the world. The fair was held between the 10th and 13th of March and the importance of it has been once again shown by the number of people and companies involved. Some of the Croatian travel and cruise agencies that were participated include Atlas, Dubrovnik Travel, Elite Travel, Gulliver Travel, Rea and Adriatic Excursions.

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