
Days of Croatian-Austrian friendship and culture were held in Salzburg

Organized by the organization called Croatian dream from Salzburg, under the leadership of Vera Papic and Croatian Heritage Foundation in Dubrovnik subsidiary, the Days of Croatian-Austrian culture and friendship were held in Salzburg.
The main task of this event was to connect Croatian immigrants living in Austria with their homeland, as well as the transmission of cultural content, communication through lectures, book presentations, setting up of exhibitions and other similar activities.
A delegation from Dubrovnik, together with the Croats living in Salzburg, participated in a lecture and book presentation from the renowned psychologist Ljubica Uvodic-Vranic at the premises of the Croatian Catholic parish bl. Alojzije Stepinac. The host of this gathering was the parish priest Fr. Zlatko Spehar, who invited the citizens of Dubrovnik to attend Saturday School, which the parish organizes for Croatian youth.
About ten thousand Croats are living in Salzburg, and they stick together in the spiritual and cultural life, trying to convey national identity and language to their children.
Saturday school students watched a film about Vukovar and learned about the last war in Croatia, and the anniversary of the Vukovar tragedy as well.