
Discover Fairies’ Cave

Local association Covjek na zemlji (Man on earth) and mountaineering organisation HPD Snijeznica have entered and explored ‘Fairies’ Cave’ near the Ombla river in Dubrovnik. Lado Pletikosic, a member of Covjek na zemlji documented the fantastic trip especially for us.

Fairies’ Cave has been explored to a length of 3063 m and depth of 192 m. It’s the longest cave on the Croatian coast. Memebers of both organisations organised the mini expedition to highlight the threat posed to the cave by the potential building ofa  hydroelectric plant on the Ombla. The development of such a plant would mean that parts of the cave would be flooded.
Take a look at the fascinating photo gallery to appreciate the natural beauty of the cave just a short distance from Dubrovnik’s Old Town.