Don't miss

Don’t Miss the Second Hand Sale in Lazareti

Dubrovnik Foreign Circle organizes eight Second hand sale on October 1 & 2 in Lazareti. Don’t miss this year’s offer – they really, really have everything, from clothes ans shoes to memorabilia, toys and many, many books to offer at good prices.

Each second hand sale they organize is humanitarian, and you can be a part of it too: contact them via / 0038598 303 5535. Everything you wissh to give for the SH sale can be brought to Lazareti from September 27 (or contact the Foreign Circle for picking up at your own home).

Last year’s SHS was the most successful one; 44 000 Kunas in total were collected ando organizers witsh to break that record this year. Is there a better invitation to treat yourself with something cool with the affordable price?