According to announcements issued by Dubrovnik tourist agencies around 6,000 guests will spend their Easter holidays in Dubrovnik. Most of these guests will arrive from the United Kingdom, France, America, Spain and Scandinavia. Many of them will sail into Dubrovnik ports on one of ten cruise ships expected between 18th and 21st April.
For the guests from these ships, and others who visit Dubrovnik this holiday, the city prepared several interesting events. One of them is a traditional Easter fair in Luza, with a unique offer of souvenirs and traditional crafts. Further, the concert of Klapa Ragusa will be held at Dubrovnik’s Stradun on Easter day. At the same time many youngsters dressed in traditional costumes will entertain the guests and hand out coloured eggs. Those interested in learning about specific traditions of the city will be able to register for workshops on egg painting, organised under the Sponza.
In Dubrovnik’s centre a dozen of restaurants will participate in Spring Gastro Days, offering traditional food at favuorable prices to the visitors. Such culinary events will be organized every weekend until the end of the month.