Marco Consoli, the prominent Italian businessman, journalist, model, actor, travel blogger and above all a gentleman, has lately been enjoying a Dubrovnik getaway. The Italian George Clooney, as they often call him, spent a few days in our beautiful town sharing his enthusiastic impressions on the personal Instagram page followed by nearly 80,000 fans. Alongside photos of his leisurely Stradun stroll after exploring the magic of the Old Town he did not forget to point out how much he loves Croatia.
After entering the modelling world at the age of 53, the former financial manager’s career exploded bringing him more business success in one year than many models gain during their whole career. Despite the fact that Italian modelling world requires many late hours and personal sacrifices, he also works as a brand ambassador, travel blogger and journalist for ‘Il Dolomiti’ traveling the world exploring new places, cultures, and reporting on important current events.
Mr. Consoli prides himself in leading a good and healthy life, maintaining his health and appearance regularly visiting the gym and eating properly even before entering the modelling world.
The proud father of two adult children does not hide his affections toward his family on his social media, frequently pointing out the support of loved ones as a great personal drive in both life and business.
Photo: instagram/Marco Consoli