
Horror in Dalmatia: Fire Fighters Facing the Spreading Blaze

Dalmatia is facing a real battle – dozens of locations are under the fire at this very moment and firefighters are having a bad time controlling the fire. All the available forces are in the field, and strong wind makes it difficult to quench the fire.

Military assistance was requested and all the available canadairs are on the terrain. More that 200 fire fighers and 100 soldiers are fighting against this horrible force of nature and, as it seems, they will keep fighting the whole night.
Many houses are burnt and firefighters are exhausted ad injured.

Split, Solin, Kaštela, Trogir, Omiš, Srinjine, Gornje Sitno, Donje Sitno… Are surrounded by fire, which captured some houses as well, at this moment.

With exuberant efforts, firefighters, soldiers and villagers struggle with the fire from the morning, and fire is hardened by a powerful wind. Dubrovnik Firefighters joined the team and, hopefully, the situation will get better by the morning…