
“Ode to Joy” Wins Top Industry Award

“Ode to Joy”, the multi award winning film by the Croatian National Tourist Board, was named best promotional tourist film at the 15th International Tourism Film Festival. (ITF’CRO).

International Tourfilm Festival ‘CRO 2012 was held in Solin between 10th to 13th October, hosting 69 countries with a record number of 298 documentary films submitted, with 76 nominated for awards, including Croatia’s “Ode to Joy”.

The film, directed by Hrvoje Hribar, is part of a promotional campaign by the Croatian National Tourist Board, under the slogan “Croatia- the new tourism star of the European Union.” The film is intended to be shown in foreign countries.

Through musical narrative led by cellist Ana Rucner who also had the idea for the film, a blend of traditional and contemporary culture is seen.