A painting workshop, led by academic painter and owner of PopHeart Factory Ivana Miloglav, was held at ACI Marina Dubrovnik. On this occasion, workshop participants had the opportunity to paint motifs from the marina, natural beauties, as well as the cultural and historical heritage of the area, in the unique setting of the Dubrovnik marina. The Sorkočević Summer Villa is a unique example in the world and continuously attracts many enthusiasts of nautical beauty, natural landscapes, and culture to the area.
The workshop began with an upstream sail along the Dubrovnik River, during which participants enjoyed panoramic views of the local country estates and heard stories from their centuries-old history. During the workshop, in the unique historical and cultural nautical setting of the Dubrovnik marina, participants painted scenes from the marina and its surroundings. Miloglav elaborated further on the workshop:
“Painting in the park of the Sorkočević Summer Villa at ACI Marina Komolac is a regular offering of the PopHeart Factory art studio, intended for all painting enthusiasts. We held the last workshop of the regular Drawing and Painting Course for adults at PopHeart Factory in this beautiful and inspiring space. We introduced participants to the history and cultural significance of the Dubrovnik River area and its summer villas, and then enjoyed plein air painting, which uniquely inspires the creative spirit,” Miloglav emphasized.
Leo Ajduković, director of ACI Marina Dubrovnik, highlighted the importance of ACI Marina Dubrovnik:
“The Dubrovnik marina is one of the most prominent units in our nautical chain, and certainly one of the marinas at the top of the Mediterranean nautical offer. One of the marina’s main assets is undoubtedly the Sorkočević Summer Villa. This Gothic-Renaissance castle located within the marina makes ACI Marina Dubrovnik unique not only in Croatia or the region but in the entire world. We are proud of this collaboration, and I would like to thank academic painter Ivana Miloglav for considering our marina a suitable meeting place and backdrop for this truly special workshop. Ivana has brought additional colors to our already vibrant marina, which is precisely what we aim to do every day. An event like this is unique, as befits a marina like ours, and it aligns with our direction towards diversifying the offerings of ACI Marina Dubrovnik and the entire ACI network,” Ajduković highlighted.The workshop was organized by PopHeart Factory.