There are many oyster festivals around the world, but none is like the one in the small town of Ston. They says the best oysters in the world are grown here, around the Pelješac peninsula...
With the pinch of salt and great vine, even better atmosphere and many, many oyster lovers, ‘Festa of kamenica’, or Festival of Oysters was held today, on st. Joseph day, from the 11 am. Visitors enjoyed Dalmatian music, folklore performances and raffles as well. And it was amazing!
Oysters from Ston are considered one of the most important part of Dalmatian mariculture, and their farming dates back to the Roman times. Fishermen from Ston cultivate other clamshells as well, such as mussels, but oysters became the most popular product of this area throughout the years. Perhaps the reason could be found in the fact oysters are well-known aphrodisiac? ;) We’re not sure about that, but the fact is – we had a great day at Ston – enjoy the photo gallery!