Just Info

Short facts about Croatia

Official name: Republic of Croatia
Geographical size: 56 594 km2
Official language: Croatian
Alphabet: Latin
Currency: Croatian Kuna HRK
Population (last census 2016): 4 190 669 
Capital: Zagreb (nearly 1.5 million inhabitants)
Political system: parliamentary republic
Aquatorium area (internal sea line): 33.200 km2 (20,584 M²)
Coastline length: 5.835 km (3,617 M²)
Coastline length of islands: 4.058 km (2,515 M²)
Number of islands: 1.185 (48 inhabited)
EU member country since: 1 July 2013


Croatia borders Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia and has been an independent country since 1991. The country has a long and dramatic coastline with the Adriatic Sea, in which the country has over 1 000 islands and islets, of which just 48 are permanently inhabited.

The most important sectors of Croatia’s economy in 2015 were wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (21.8 %), industry (21.2 %) and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (15.2 %).

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