Dubrovnik gastronome Marko Bautović has the best burger in Croatia! The owner of the Food Bar Guloso and a former water polo player participated in the Croatian street food festival ‘Zagreb Burger Festival’, where famous Croatian chefs and their burgers fought for the title of the best burger in Croatia.
“I simply can’t describe this feeling to you! We know what kind of product we have and how much we try, but it’s not easy to pass it on to the guest. By being invited to the festival at all, was a great honour for me and my team, and recognition for our work so far. Honestly, we didn’t have big ambitions. But, when we came to Zagreb, we said: ‘Let’s do our best, whatever happens!’ Customers started coming back to our stand over and over again, because our burgers were great, and we managed to create a cloud of positive energy in a very short time. Even the owners of the stands next to ours praised our burgers and gave well-meaning advice. They also asked us if we would open Guloso in Zagreb as well,” Bautović said chuckling for DuList, praising the team that was with him at the festival.
“I would also like to thank the people who voted for us and gave us this valuable title. It was really important to us that everyone enjoyed it,” he added.
About ‘Gospar’
Marko’s burger, named ‘Gospar’, was the star of the festival from the very beginning, so it’s no surprise it took this flattering title. ‘Gospar’ burger consists of beef from Croatian pastures, potato buns, skripavac cheese, Drniš prosciutto, mayonnaise sauce, mustard seeds, and famous Dubrovnik peppers – poveruni.
“Everyone asked us what poverun was. There was a great interest in ‘Gospar’,” he emphasized and pointed out that Ivan Zidar, who had won this festival on several occasions, helped him with advice and organization.