Not every town can say that there’s a chocolate with its name! But, Dubrovnik, inspirational as always – can. So, in this article we will get you some more information about this delicious piece of heaven.
It all started in 1942, a time when raw materials such as cocoa were in short supply. Camille Bloch used a mass of ground hazelnuts and whole hazelnuts to fill a bar of chocolate, it says on their official page.
The chocolate and the mass were poured in successive layers then cut into rectangular bars (the initial shape of Ragusa). When choosing a name for his new product, Camille Bloch recalled the town of Ragusa, now Dubrovnik, in Croatia, which he had once visited on holiday. He decided to adopt this name because he found it pleasing to the ear and compatible with all the national language, so no wonder it is le célèbre chocolat suisse fourré au praliné avec noisettes entières (The finest swiss praline chocolate with whole hazelnuts)!
There are Ragusa Blond, Ragusa Classique, Ragusa Noir, and Ragusa Frined series of chocolate, and the only thing you have to do is to choose among one of them to try. Actually – try them all!
Beautiful photo memory about this chocolate is provided a Facebook group named ‘Dubrovnik nekad’ (Dubrovnik as it used to be), and we are very grateful about this generous gift.