Releasing doves and raising the banner in honour of St. Blaise is how Dubrovnik started the 1043.celebration of the Feast of Saint Blaise – the patron of Dubrovnik. Festivity was opened in front of the cathedral by Dubrovnik’s bishop Msgr. Mate Uzinic. He greeted the crowd and hosts of the Festivity – seaman Luksa Zupcic and craftsmen Mata Luja. On this occasion Uzinic spoke to Dubrovnik’s leaders who are in power and who will come to power, reminding of two basic credos the city has: ‘May they always have in mind the principle “Non bene pro toto libertas venditur aura” (Freedom is not sold for all the riches of this world) and “Obliti privatorum publica curate” (Forget privately worry about what is public). These principles come from the Christianity; according to them this city built its prosperity and they are a good basis on which it can further build its future – he said.