ECHA – the European Council for High Ability – General Committee selected Dubrovnik as the venue of the first Thematic ECHA Conference. The conference topic is ‘Creativity Research & Innovation in Gifted Education: Social, Individual, and Educational Perspective’.
The conference will take place between 16 and 18 October 2019 in the Hotel Dubrovnik Palace. The English language conference will be organized by the Faculty of Education of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Croatia, and will feature 3 excellent keynote speakers, a Youth Summit, plenty of discussion time in parallel and poster sessions, and a lucrative social program.
Abstract submission are opened from 1st September 2017 and will be closed on 30th April 2018. More info can be received from Zeljko Racki at
More about ECHA
Throughout Europe there is a growing awareness of the needs of our most able individuals; in recent years increasing interest in this area of child development has generated new forms of practice in education, numerous research programmes and studies, a growth in the number of societies for parents of highly able children and, indeed, a growth in concern for highly able people of all ages.
ECHA has been generated by an overwhelming demand for coordination from most European countries, both West and East. The major goal of ECHA is to act as a communications network to promote the exchange of information among people interested in high ability – educators, researchers, psychologists, parents and the highly able themselves. As the ECHA network grows, provision for highly able people improves and these improvements are beneficial to all members of society.
The basis for this specifically European Council comes from a belief in our common cultural heritage which is distinct from that of other parts of the world. Although Europe is made up of different countries with many languages, we share the traditions and outlooks of societies in which education has been widely available for centuries. We also share the same kinds of problems, and it makes sense to work towards their solution together.
The European Council for High Ability aims to advance the study and development of potential excellence in people. This enterprise calls for easy access to communication so that new discoveries whether scientific or the fruits of experience, can be readily shared between members of ECHA and others who are concerned about high ability.
ECHA enjoys consultative status as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with the Council of Europe.