
Travel Pioneer Peter Greenberg Brings Us a Special Broadcast on Dubrovnik

“As most countries in Europe remain closed for US travellers, one country in the region, Croatia, stayed open. What does that mean to your travells? I came to Dubrovnik to find out “, starts Peter Greenberg at the beginning of his 10-minute special report in which he seeks to bring viewers closer to Dubrovnik’s history and reveal some of the City’s interesting curiosities.

The multiple Emmy Award winner, editor-in-chief of CBS Travel, acclaimed investigative journalist and top connoisseur of tourism topics is no stranger to the seventh art, immediately noticing Dubrovnik’s resemblance to a movie set, emphasizing the fact it is no movie at all, but a living, breathing city, built for centuries.

After participating in the famous Dubrovnik tradition of feeding the pigeons, Peter enjoyed a stroll down Stradun, learned the interesting history of the Lazareti complex and found out exactly where you can find ‘the look of the City that can’t be beat’.