
TUI And Karisma Hotels Sign Agreement In Dubrovnik

Neil Evans, director of TUI Travel Hotels & Resorts and Ivan Todoric, chairman of Agrokor d.d. met at the Sponza Palace in Dubrovnik on Wednesday to sign an agreement on strategic partnership between TUI Travel PLC and Agrokor’s company Karsima Hotels d.o.o.

”The knowledge and experience of our global strategic partners, as well as Agrokor’s knowledge of the regional market will be used for high quality support to our partners and thus create new and innovative tourism portfolio recognizable in the region and the world.”  said Todoric, chairman of Agrokor.

”After intense negotiations, TUI has placed Croatia as a strategic destination for their business. Karisma Hotel Adriatic d.o.o. has been present on the market of tourism for years and have won many awards in this field and so we are proud that we have brought them to our destinations.” added Todoric.

TUI director Neil Evans told press how pleased he was to sign the agreement, ”Linking prominent global tourism companies with Agrokor aims to create new value in  Croatian tourism, opening new markets and creating unique hotel collection with distinctive brands that are not yet present in the region.”

Evans stressed the potential of Croatian tourist destinations, and pointed out that the TUI is already present in 180 countries with 30 million satisfied travellers every year.

”We have guests who, on average, remain on vacation for a period of 10-15 days, and our season lasts six months. I think that Dubrovnik is the ideal place to extend this season.” added Evans.

Also present at Wednesday”s signing was Croatian Minister for Tourism Darko Lorencin whoexpressed his delight at the agreement, ”It is my great honour to attend such an event in Dubrovnik. I’m glad to see that they are moving into a new endeavor, turning a new page that will certainly have an impact on tourism products and ultimately tourism sales in Croatia.”