
Ana Hrnić Makes Her First Appearance as the Tourist Board Director

It is my pleasure to begin with my new professional career in such a beautiful way. I look forward to collaborate successfully with all of you present here – Ana Hrnić, the new director of the Dubrovnik Tourist Board, said today at the presentation of the new issue of ‘Welcome’, Dubrovnik Tourist Board magazine, held in the Museum of Modern Art Dubrovnik.

For Hrnić, it is the second day at her new job, thus this presentation makes her first public appearance as the Tourist Board director and, as she stated, a really interesting one.

Welcome Magazine Ana Hrnic

Ana Hrnić was born in 1983 in Dubrovnik, where she graduated from the American College of Management and Technology (RIT). There, she received a bachelor’s degree in managerial economics. Since 2003 she has been working in tourism and since 2015 has been a director at Gulliver Travel Ltd. The decision about her as the new director was made at the 14th session of the Dubrovnik Tourist Board held earlier this year.