
Development of the clubs is a development of Croatian tourism in general!

The journalist of the British magazine DJ Mag Top talked about the Revelin and Croatian club scene.

A few years ago Adam Saville came to Revelin for the first time, back then as a tourist in Dubrovnik. He found Revelin while he was walking down the Old Town. He saw long lines and asked his friend for the explanation of what was behind those doors. He found out it was Revelin, the biggest club in this part of Croatia which, in the years to follow, has joined the list of the 100 best clubs in the world, according to the prestigious British magazine DJ Mag Top. Adam Saville visited Dubrovnik this year again, but this time as a journalist.
‘Revelin deserves a title of one of the best world’s clubs. To enter the list, it is important to bring big names and the quality sound system to the club;  to have great capacity and good organization inside the club management. According to all the parameters, Culture Club Revelin deserves a place on the list of the most prestigious clubs in the world, he said. 


‘Revelin operates in a different context than Zrce on Pag, which is primarily a clubbing destination. This success is even greater because Revelin proved that it can combine history and modern; to protect  Monuments and image of Dubrovnik; to show all of that to the world and to offer tourists quality club content with names worthy of one of the most attractive cities in the world’. As he says, the good indicator of the development of the club scene in our country is the launching of DJ Mag Croatia.

‘For now, everything is going well. Europeans come to all of these festivals. Club life is accelerating the development of your tourism, because the electronic music is so popular in the world and we should not forget that people want to listen to it and enjoy the good clubs while on vacation. It is an excellent opportunity for Revelin and other Croatian clubs’, says British Top DJ Mag’s journalist.