Thursday night saw the opening of this year’s Third Ear Festival, focusing on Japan. The Festival opened with a concert of Japanese music performed by pianist Izumi Tamari Tutnjević, flautist Đive Franetović Kušelj and soprano Nikolina Dominiković under the title ‘Heartwarming Concert’.
Turn out was strong for the opening event at the University of Dubrovnik, with dignitaries including the cultural attache from the Japanese Embassy in Zagreb, Ms. Chie Oshima in attendance. The lobby of the University is host to two of the Festival’s exhibitions; ‘Awaken Your Inner Bird’-origami art and ‘Samurai and The Art of Warfare’- martial arts weaponry.
From 3 pm on Friday those interested can take part in an origami workshop at the University, attend a lecture at 6 30 pm at the Public Library on Zen Buddhism or, for a different night, out attend a Taiko drums concert at Lazareti from 11 pm. Entrance to all events is free, check our events page for more info.