The banners of all the parishes gathered up in early afternoon to the music of all the bells, the banner with the figure of St. Blaise is hoisted on Stradun, in front of His Church. A well wishing prayer, called ‘Laus’ is said. Today is Candlemas, a wonderful ‘introduction’ to the Feast of St. Blaise, our Festa.
‘A day that comes once a year’, the St. Blaise Feast has been celebrated for 1048 years in Dubrovnik. today, it began with the ‘Kandelora’, traditional Candlemas opening of the ceremonies connected to our beloved Parac – St. Blaise. Kandelora and doves that are set free, an inspirational anthem to St Blaise, flags and folk costumes, prelates, the secular city leaders, diplomats and politicians, throat blessing, majestic procession of believers…
It makes a direct connection with the tradition and history of Dubrovnik, which is reflected in each segment of this celebration. Tomorrow, February 3rd, is the Day of Saint Blaise, the patron of Dubrovnik, and also the Day of the City of Dubrovnik.
Therefore, along with church ceremony, in the city under Srđ, there are organized a number of events of secular overtones that are dedicated to the Dubrovnik patron saint, who keeps Dubrovnik on his outstretched palm.
For centuries, the festival has been unchanged, as well as the affection of inhabitants of Dubrovnik and its surrounding to their patron St. Blaise, his character and work that is woven into all aspects of Dubrovnik past and present.
In 2009 this celebration was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.