
We’re Waiting For Andrea Bocelli’s Concert in Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik is, after many years, a stage for international music stars. After long negotiations, and thanks to the co-financing of the City of Dubrovnik on the occasion of 70 years of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, world music stars Tom Jones and Il Volo have performed in Dubrovnik. With these performances, Dubrovnik has become one of the cities that, along with classical music performers, offers interesting and popular musical names on a global scale. Beside the performances of local and regional stars, the City of Dubrovnik organized two concerts by these world-renowned performers.

But these are not the only superstars that will perform in Dubrovnik, the City of Dubrovnik stated in their official press release.

‘Given the numerous positive comments made by our fellow citizens, and knowing that the tickets were sold immediately, the City of Dubrovnik, in cooperation with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, has started negotiations with two major international stars for 2020 performances. One of them is Andrea Bocelli, while we cannot yet publish the other name at this point of negotiations’, they wrote, with the conclusion: ‘We are aware of the fact that due to limited space these concerts cannot be financially profitable, but we believe that for a destination like Dubrovnik they are extremely important for the quality of the service provided and the level of image’.