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Norwegian Epic is in Town: The Largest Cruiser in the World Anchored in Gruž Port

The Port of Gruž is now for a brief while the stopping point for the largest cruise ship ever made in terms of gross tonnage. It is of course the Norwegian Epic from the Norwegian Cruise Line. It is the second largest ship in terms of the number of passengers that sailed into Dubrovnik. It can accommodate 4100 guests, cared for by 1724 crew members.

Norwegian Epic was originally based out of Miami, sailing Western Caribbean cruises. Later on, she undertook winter cruises between October and April sailing from Miami to the Caribbean and after a repositioning transatlantic sailing, undertook cruises from southern European ports around the Mediterranean.

You can follow all the curiosities from the Port of Gruž and other parts of the City all day, every day, on our Just Dubrovnik webcams.


Photo: Zvonimir Pandža