Dubrovnik French Alliance in cooperation with the organization “Likos” from Split organises two exhibitions to mark the Feast of Saint Blaise. Exhibitions will be held on February 2nd at the National Library of Dubrovnik.
It will represent carnival costumes under the name “Škatula za sne” or “Box for dreams”, and author Keti Vukašin will bring out the beautiful journey through time on a very clear and swaying way – visitor will get the chance to meet Marie Antoinette, can-can dancers, French maids, Queen of wine, Marylin Monroe…
Second, photography exhibition, named “Pariz uzduž i poprijeko” or “Paris up and down” brings up author Lili Gluić, painter whose watercolor exhibitions were held in 2010 as part of Francophonie programme.
Ms Michèle Boccoz, new French ambassador in Croatia, will open the exhibitions, and the other expected guests are representatives of Rueil-Malmaison – mayor Patrick Ollier and his wife.
French Alliance thanks the City of Dubrovnik, Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik and Libraries of Dubrovnik.