Stories and legends have always been associated with the island of Lokrum – mystical, sometimes even scary, interesting and exciting.
But the one thing they had in common was love – for the island, spouse, lover or forbidden passions…
‘It is in this sign, the sign of love, that we present you the Kiss Trail. Numerous romantic legends and natural beauties have inspired us to choose 10 points of the island that symbolize love. We dedicated each of them a few words in the brochure, so visitors can mark their special moments on those places’, said the creative team behind the project.
Portoč Bay, Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary, Olive Grove, Maximilian’s Gardens, etc. are just some of the places that one should not miss on Lokrum. They are all underlined with charming story aimed to get visitors to see beautiful parts of the island, learn interesting things and encourage them to take photos and share them on social networks using hashtag #LoveLokrum.
The brochure also has a tear-off postcard, so visitors can share their love towards Lokrum to the rest of the world.
Ask for the free brochure at the ticket sales point in the Old City harbor, visit places on the Kiss Trail and share your love with us!